Creative Lecture

I enjoy lecture,
I like it as a learner, I like it as an instructor.
For me, I enjoy conveying and receiving this information in an oral method that follows a train of concepts.
What I REALLY love as a facilitator is venturing into new content enough to stir up questions that become organic discussions forums.
I often use real life scenarios and play devils advocate a time or two.

Because the content circles around ethics, some are a worst case scenario.
I find by opening the floor to fears and projections of worst case scenarios, it really reassures students that now they have a rebuttal and an avenue to control the worst case scenario.
Students emerge after they have walked through their version of Dante's intensity levels of a difficult conversation with a client. Then IF it ever happens (and I reassure using my own estimate my 15 years as a therapist and thousands of students I've taught, and how frequent;y "this" issue actually has come up) they know what to do.
This takes on the critical thinking aspect Broofsfield discusses in Chapter 6 of his book, The Skillful Teacher, which I feel is the essential skill we are trying to build in the minds of our adult learners.