About me
I'm Robynne, and I get bored.
I wanted to design programs for people of all shapes and sizes. So I did after training on beautiful Vancouver Island. I designed and co-ordinated everything from youth summer programs to municipal initiatives like a city wide Easter Egg hunt.
As an athlete I also had a history of getting hurt. A lot. Sometimes really hurt. My massage therapist REALLY helped me. So I decided to do that too. Holy cats was that a lot more neuro-anatomy than I had bargained for.
Then I thought how great it would be to share all the best parts of what I had learned, and began teaching.
Then I started questioning what I thought I knew, and realized I knew less than I should. SO I started to get into research.
Now I know I know far less than I once thought, and am tremendously impressed at how much I learn from my students and our collective searches for truth every day.

Here I am introducing a co-operative learning day for our school at beautiful Kal Beach in Vernon, BC.